Primary and Secundary Colors

Black & White. Grey, Gold & Silver

Light Shades

Dark Shades



1 in 12 male | 1 in 200 female




Color is for ALL

Color is for ALL!

ColorADD is a unique, universal, inclusive and non-discriminative language that enables the color blind to identify colors, with a wide spectrum of use on companies/entities whenever color is a factor of identification, orientation or choice. 





Miguel Neiva




ColorADD, The Color Alphabet

Five graphic symbols, represent the Primary Colors (Blue, Yellow, Red) plus White and Black.




Co-Creation Solutions

Win-win-win solutions for a more colorful world!



Because, Color is for ALL!




Must See




ColorADD distinguished with the Global Inclusion Award 2024 | UNESCO headquarters in Paris hosted the initiative

ColorADD was honoured with the Global Inclusion Award 2024, at UNESCO headquarters, on the sidelines of the "Celebrating Inclusion in Education Forum" as part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Salamanca Declaration, an initiative of IFIP - International Forums of Inclusion Practioners.



AKROS EDUCATIONAL develops educational resources with ColorADD implementation

It was at the latest edition of Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg, which ran from 30 January to 3 February, the most important international trade fair for the toy, games and leisure sector, that AKROS presented its latest portfolio of educational and didactic games with ColorADD implementation.


ColorADD in the Final Four of the Allianz Cup Liga Portugal

The presence of the ColorADD project at this Final Four led to a remarkable initiative in which former Portuguese internationals Beto and Domingos watched the semi-final of the competition from the point of view of a colour blind person, accompanied by Miguel Neiva, the creator of the ColorADD colour identification code, and several colour blind people with whom they shared space in the stands and the sensations they experienced with this new perspective.