Primary and Secundary Colors

Black & White. Grey, Gold & Silver

Light Shades

Dark Shades

ColorADD Code



Why ColorADD Code

Color blindness affects approximately 8% of men, approximately 350 million people in the World.

ColorADD® is a unique, universal, inclusive, and non-discriminative language that enables the color blind to identify colors, whenever color is a factor of identification, orientation, or choice.







ColorADD Code

Five graphic symbols, represent the Primary Colors (Blue, Yellow, Red) plus White and Black.



Color Addition Theory

Through the acquired knowledge of the “Color Addition Theory”, the Code Symbols can be related and the entire color pallet identified.


Primary and Secundary Colors



The Black and White are used to indicate dark and light tones. “Symbols that include Colors”, becomes “a mental game”, easy to memorize and apply in daily situations - Color is for ALL!


Light Shades


Dark Shades


White, Black, Greys and Metallic Shades




Ashoka | ColorADD - The Color Alphabet

Colourblind Vision | ColorADD