Primary and Secundary Colors

Black & White. Grey, Gold & Silver

Light Shades

Dark Shades

Cities, Public Spaces & Environment


1 in 12 male | 1 in 200 female


42% felt difficulties in social integration.

37% do not know their type of color blindness.



Color is for ALL!

ColorADD is a unique, universal, inclusive and non-discriminative language that enables the color blind to identify colors, with a wide infinite spectrum of use on companies/entities whenever color is a factor of identification, orientation or choice. 




Parking Areas
Public Transports
Environment & Recycling
Shopping Malls
Healthcare & Hospitals
Culture & Tourism
Sport Facilities
Public Services & Accessibilities

Licensing the Code

Know more...


The ColorADD code can be implemented and used through a license acquisition. The license fee is adjusted to the partner’s profile ensuring an affordable and fair cost for everyone!

Part of the licensing fee is used to support the ColorADD.Social Non-Profit Association, which promotes inclusion in first cycle schools (



- ColorADD Annex I, a digital support toolkit for proper implementation of the ColorADD Code.

- ColorADD Technical Check, required to ensure correct color reference and application of the Code.

- ColorADD Technical Support including identification of needs, media and deployment content, sharing best practices, definition of integration concepts and partnership activation.

Please contact us, and we will provide all the information required to, together, turn your communication more inclusive for 350 million color blind people!